the king of seoul
photography by CHIKASHI SUZUKI
At the top of the K-pop — Korean pop — industry, G-Dragon has earned world acclaim as a rapper, dancer, and fashion icon, exploding out of the anonymity of the Asian electro-pop industry. Born in Seoul, in 1988, Kwon Ji Yong (the family name comes first in Korea) started early in music, changing record labels at the age of eight, and within six years was part of the duo Big Bang, which mixed rap, hip-hop, and R&B. But the way he’s evolved and his extreme manga fashion style have pushed him much further, into an international solo career and a record deal in Japan. G-Dragon pushes in all directions, from sound to image.
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Roland Barthes The Rustle of Language
by Camille Bidault-Waddington
night pictures
by Olivier Zahm and Stéphane Feugère with a portfolio by Patrick Sarfati