hair by MARC LOPEZ
photographed by KATJA RAHLWES
Zlata Mangafic @ IMG, model — Tom Van Dorpe, style — Philippe Ovak @ MARIE-FRANCE THAVONEKAM, manicure — Vincent Olivieri @ TRISTAN GODFROY, set design — Pandora Graessl @ MANAGEMENT + ARTISTS, production — Barbara Nicoli, casting director — Benjamin Cazenave, studio manager — Virgile Biechy and Matthieu Boutignon, photographer’s assistants — Aline de Beauclaire, stylist’s assistant
[Table of contents]
When Everyday Life Becomes Forms: Surinami, South America
by Viviane Sassen
night pictures
by Olivier Zahm and Stéphane Feugère with a portfolio on Area nightclub by Glenn O'Brien