excerpt from chaosmose by félix guattari éditions galilée, 1992
In our time, aesthetic machines offer us the most complete models for those units of sensation that can extract robust meaning from all the empty semiotic systems that hem us in on all sides. The underground territory of art contains some of the most significant cells of resistance against the steamroller of capitalist subjectivity — of unidimensionality, universal equivalence, segregation, and deafness to what is truly Other. This isn’t a matter of making artists into the new heroes of the revolution, the new levers of history. Art here is not only the work of recognized artists, but also the act of an entire subjective creativity that spans generations among oppressed peoples, ghettos, minorities… I only mean to emphasize that the aesthetic paradigm — the creation and arrangement of mutant percepts and affects — has become the paradigm for all possible forms of liberation, expropriating the old scientific paradigms that once offered the basis of, for example, historical materialism and Freudianism.
The contemporary world — caught up in these ecological, demographic, and urban impasses — is incapable of incorporating these extraordinary world-shaking techno-scientific mutations in a way that would be compatible with the interests of humanity. The contemporary world is racing vertiginously toward either the abyss or a radical renewal. Traditional economic, social, political, and moral compasses have failed one after the other. It has become imperative to re-establish our vectors of value, the fundamental purposes of human relationships and productive activities. An ecology of the virtual is therefore just as necessary as our ecologies of the visible world. And in this regard, poetry, music, the visual arts, and film — particularly in their performance or performative aspects — hold an important place, both for their specific contribution and as reference paradigms at the heart of new social and analytic practices (psychoanalytic, in the very broadest sense of the term). Beyond its actualization of power relations, the ecology of the virtual seeks not only to preserve endangered species of cultural life, but also to engender conditions for the creation and development of forms of subjectivity that have never yet been seen, heard, or experienced. In other words, generalized ecology — or ecosophy — will operate as a science of ecosystems, not only as a play for political regeneration, but also as an ethical, aesthetic, and analytic commitment. It will create new value systems, a new taste for life, a new gentleness between the sexes, generations, ethnicities, races, etc.
[Table of contents]
by Olivier Zahm
the origin of the universe
by Étienne Klein
eleven years
by Tim Blanks
cover #14 judy chicago
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panic civilization
by Peter Sloterdijk
selling space
by John Jefferson Selve
150 billion pieces of clothing
by Maxine Bédat
we are the world
by Emanuele Coccia
cover #7 emma kunz
Read the article
by Félix Guattari
186,282 miles per second
by Pierre-Ange Carlotti
cover #2 cartier
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neuromance prada f/w 19/20
by Chikashi Suzuki
cover #6 dior
Read the article
best of the season f/w 19/20 cosmodrome
by Tim Elkaïm
christophe galfard
by Olivier Zahm
cover #16 prada
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yusaku maezawa
by Emilien Crespo
cover #1 balenciaga
Read the article
from chaos to cosmos
by Donatien Grau
bomarzo parco dei mostri gucci f/w 19/20
by Camille Vivier
cover #13 jil sander
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balenciaga f/w 19/20 astro-monastic
by Juergen Teller
marine serre F/W 19/20
by Olivier Zahm
an interview with jordan kahn
by Olivier Zahm
zen garden continuum
by Takashi Homma
cover #15 miu miu
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tom sachs space program: mars, 2012
by Olivier Zahm
cover #3 bottega veneta
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ad astra fendi f/w 19/20
by Olivier Zahm
hilma af klint the invisible, the spiritual, the occult
by Hans Ulrich Obrist
u 2 m 2 u 2 m
by Urs Fischer and Madeline Hollander
by Angelo Pennetta
lucie and luke meier
by Olivier Zahm
cover #10 harmony korine
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philippe parreno
by Olivier Zahm
the no kill kitchen manifesto
by Carsten Höller
after the fire (malibu) bottega veneta f/w 19/20
by Colin Dodgson
alex reed
by Olivier Zahm
scott bolton
by Savannah Nolan and Olivier Zahm
purple archives: fred eversley brings an optical and scientific edge to california’s light and space movement
by Olivier Zahm
inclusivity now dior cruise 2020 maria grazia chiuri
by Olivier Zahm and Suffo Moncloa
falling to earth
by Bibi Cornejo Borthwick
bernard stiegler
by John Jefferson Selve
cover #11 hilma af klint
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an interview with judy chicago
by Jeffrey Deitch
gravitational waves chanel cruise 2020
by Dario Catellani
éliane radigue
by Jonathan Hepfer
cover #8 fendi
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best of men f/w 19/20 letter to a young scientist
by Ola Rindal
alicja kwade
by Donatien Grau
the multiverse miu miu f/w 19/20
by Coco Capitán
emma kunz
by Hans Ulrich Obrist
cover #12 hubble space telescope
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olafur eliasson and thomas demand
by Maxime Ballesteros
time zero
by Synchrodogs
doug aitken
by Olivier Zahm
martin rees
by Hans Ulrich Obrist
living in a bubble
by Gianni Oprandi
cover #5 comme des garçons
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joep van lieshout
by Kaitlin Phillips
cover #4 chanel
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jean-marc janvovici
by Olivier Zahm
art paul mccarthy
by Paul Mccarthy
cover #9 gucci
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marie-claire daveu
by Olivier Zahm
harmony korine
by Richard Prince
the creation of the world or globalization
by Jean-Luc Nancy
by Emanuele Coccia
by Maxine Bédat
by John Jefferson Selve
by Peter Sloterdijk
by Jean-Luc Nancy
by Richard Prince
by Olivier Zahm
by Paul Mccarthy
by Olivier Zahm
by Kaitlin Phillips
by Gianni Oprandi
by Hans Ulrich Obrist
by Olivier Zahm
by Synchrodogs
by Maxime Ballesteros
by Hans Ulrich Obrist
by Coco Capitán
by Donatien Grau
by Ola Rindal
by Jonathan Hepfer
by Dario Catellani
by Jeffrey Deitch
by John Jefferson Selve
by Olivier Zahm and Suffo Moncloa
by Bibi Cornejo Borthwick
by Olivier Zahm
by Savannah Nolan and Olivier Zahm
by Olivier Zahm
by Colin Dodgson
by Carsten Höller
by Olivier Zahm
by Olivier Zahm
by Angelo Pennetta
by Urs Fischer and Madeline Hollander
by Hans Ulrich Obrist
by Olivier Zahm
by Olivier Zahm
by Takashi Homma
by Olivier Zahm
by Olivier Zahm
by Juergen Teller
by Camille Vivier
by Donatien Grau
by Olivier Zahm
by Tim Elkaïm
by Pierre-Ange Carlotti
by Tim Blanks
by Chikashi Suzuki
by Emilien Crespo
by Félix Guattari
by Étienne Klein
by Olivier Zahm