photography by COLIN DODGSON
Vanessa Reid, style — Tina Outen at STREETERS, hair — Sally Branka at LGA, make-up — Cathryn Long, animal agent — Sean Jackson and Ryan Petrus, photographer’s assistants — Maria Bonfà, Joséphine Dorval, and Sammy White, stylist’s assistants
[Table of contents]
The cineama, said André Bazin, substitutes for our gaze, a world in harmony with our desires
by Georgina Graham
On Radicality
by Alain Badiou, Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Dodie Bellamy, Nicolas Bourriaud, Emanuele Coccia, Tristan Garcia, Chris Kraus And Hedi El Kholti, Bernard-Henri Levy, Paul Mccarthy, Jean-Luc Nancy, Paul B. Preciado, Ariana Reines