Purple Radio 2070

[June 18 2022]

Francobollo for Purple Future Radiooooo

In the future, we will live in a world where we can work from anywhere. Our 11G internet will reach across the world, making any place a workplace. All you have to do is put on your headset to clock in and connect to your workplace.

In this virtual world, your company has bought a musical service that follows you throughout your workday. The music service monitors your concentration, heart rate, and fatigue, and adds music to accompany your workflow. The sound won’t be any different, except that it’ll be a generic calculation put together by a robotic algorithm, giving it an artificial flavor.

In this case, the user has requested that the algorithm plays music inspired by Francobollo.

Click here to listen to the music of the future.

Track by Francobollo

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