[February 11 2015]
A cautious, long forgotten smile broke out on the Athenian faces. The unthinkable had happened. Syriza had won, and a new chapter in the history of Greece begins. The deafening chaos that has screeched its way through every aspect of life in this country had been silenced, at least for one night. The coming weeks and months will see how it all unfolds but the sense that democracy, so maligned and mistrusted in this world of economic power games, had been reinstated as the voice of the people was palpable. Photo and text Christina Koutsospyrou
[December 21 2023]
[December 6 2023]
[June 12 2023]
[May 29 2023]
[April 11 2023]
[April 7 2023]
[November 23 2022]
[October 20 2022]
[June 21 2022]
[June 14 2022]
[May 16 2022]
[May 15 2022]
[May 12 2022]