[April 20 2012] : love
In the first of a series of films for Purple TELEVISION in which look at ‘the process’ involved in different disiplines. We ask the question – how long does it take? We start with a film directed by british photographer Simon Di Principe featuring british light welterweight boxing champion Ashley Theopane preparing to fight and asking him how long does it take to train for a title fight? “I train for 4 months before a 12 round championship fight. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.” Ashley has trained with some of the world’s greatest fighters in the toughest gyms from London to Brooklyn, having forged an enviable reputation. With much of his youth spent on the wrong side of the law, and heavily involved with the gangs and criminal underworld of inner-city London, the inevitable stretch in prison that followed proved a Damascan experience; bringing with it a change in perspective and motivation, and instilling a newfound inner-drive based on focus and discipline.
His release without conviction six months later gave Ashley a second chance; closing the door on his previous life and throwing himself into his natural talent for boxing, whilst equally furthering his education and raising awareness of the dangers of gun and knife crime for the under-privileged urban youth. Editing by Edward Line at Final Cut and Music ‘In McDonalds’ by Burial.
[March 10 2025] : Television
[March 3 2025] : Television
[January 26 2025] : Television
[January 24 2025] : Television
[January 13 2025] : Television
[December 16 2024] : Television
[December 12 2024] : uncategorized
[December 11 2024] : uncategorized
[December 3 2024] : Television
[November 27 2024] : Television
[November 23 2024] : Television
[November 18 2024] : art
[October 25 2024] : Television
[October 23 2024] : Television
[February 10 2024] : film
[February 9 2024] : Television
[December 6 2023] : Television