[April 12 2012] : art
A behind the scenes moment captured by Bill Powers – pulling Mark Gonzales on a tow rope behind artist Tom Sachs, Mars Rover – testing for his May show at Armory. The show by Tom Sachs will launch the next flight of his SPACE PROGRAM with an unprecedented four-week mission to Mars, all within Park Avenue Armory’s foot drill hall. Following his 2007 mission to the moon, Sachs and his team will take audiences to the further reaches of the universe with an installation of dynamic sculptures. Using his signature bricolage technique, Sachs fashions aeronautical equipment and the world of another planet out of simple materials–foam-core, hot glue, plywood, and other standard materials that have been salvaged or are readily available from D.I.Y. catalogues.
[January 26 2025] : Television
[January 24 2025] : Television
[January 13 2025] : Television
[December 16 2024] : Television
[December 12 2024] : music
[December 11 2024] : music
[December 3 2024] : Television
[November 27 2024] : Television
[November 23 2024] : Television
[November 18 2024] : art
[October 25 2024] : Television
[October 23 2024] : Television
[February 10 2024] : film
[February 9 2024] : Television
[December 6 2023] : Television
[October 20 2023] : Television
[September 29 2023] : Television