Purple Television

[January 16 2023] : Television

Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change

Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change

Carl Sagan is known for his work as a scientist and science communicator. In 1985, at a time when global warming and climate change seemed like they wouldn’t be a problem for years, Carl went to Congress to say that climate change is real. In his simple style, he explained the causes of climate change, how we know it is happening, and what we can do about it. But fossil fuel companies knew their actions were causing climate change and hid it from the public. To most people, it wasn’t a concern at the time. But he warned that the time to act was now. Now was 35 years ago.

“Here is a problem which transcends our particular generation. It is an intergenerational problem. If we don’t do the right thing now, our children and grandchildren will face serious problems.” – Carl Sagan

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