Purple Television

[July 16 2015] : uncategorized

Weather Any Storm

Weather Any Storm by Mocky

Purple TV presents the exclusive music video “Weather Any Storm” from Canadian multi-intrumentalist and producer Mocky. Mixed in Paris by Renaud Letang, the soundtrack features luscious strings by Miguel Atwood-Ferguson and gorgeous background vocals by Kelela. Mocky straddles futurism without any electronic sounds. On making his album Keychange and his creative process Mocky says, “I use samples – human samples. If you put a musician in the right musical environment for their style, they become an endless sample with no beginning and no end.” The record documents his move from the musical community of Berlin-Kreuzberg to his new home in LA-Echo Park and reflecting the vibe of these cities emerging underground jazz and psychedelic scene.

Directed by Commodore Gilgamesh of Everything is Terrible!

Mocky “Weather Any Storm” from the album Keychange on the label Heavy Sheet.

Click here to purchase the album.

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