[October 25 2024] : Television
“Faces”, directed by David Findlay and featuring Rianne Van Rompaey alongside Astrid Whettnall, is an eight-minute short film that playfully explores the complexities of identity. Drawing from Van Rompaey’s experiences as a model, the film delves into the duality of public and private personas, showcasing her character’s struggle between societal expectations and her authentic self. Through whimsical interactions and intimate close-ups, it captures moments of vulnerability and reflection. Enhanced by Vanessa Traina’s sophisticated styling, with beautiful looks by KHAITE, “Faces” offers a humorous yet poignant commentary on modern fame and self-image, marking a new chapter in Van Rompaey’s artistic journey.
[January 24 2025] : Television
[January 13 2025] : Television
[December 16 2024] : Television
[December 12 2024] : music
[December 11 2024] : music
[December 3 2024] : Television
[November 27 2024] : Television
[November 23 2024] : Television
[November 18 2024] : art
[October 25 2024] : Television
[October 23 2024] : Television
[February 10 2024] : film
[February 9 2024] : Television
[December 6 2023] : Television
[October 20 2023] : Television
[September 29 2023] : Television