Purple Magazine
— The Revolutions Issue #40 F/W 2023

gabbriette in guess usa f/w 2023-24


Guess USA F/W 2023-24

With Gabbriette

Photography by Richard Kern 


Incarnating a Latina-goth aesthetic, Gabbriette mixes the culinary with a sexual edge in the recipes and videos that she produces for her social media. Talented in many fields, photographer, actress, dancer, singer, and model Gabbriette is the icon of a new generation without boundaries.


Caitlan Hickey, style

Matt Benns at CLM, hair

Jezz Hill, make-up

Fletcher Kern, photographer’s assistant

Shannon Gorman and Cassie Jekanoski,
stylist’s assistants

[Table of contents]

The Revolutions Issue #40 F/W 2023

Table of contents

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