Purple Art

[April 20 2018]

Claude Lalanne solo exhibition at Galerie Mitterrand, Paris

The Galerie Mitterand highlights the work of Les Lalanne, an iconic couple of artists, with this first exclusive exhibit about Claude’s artwork. The following event will be dedicated to François-Xavier, which will begin on June the 1st. The decorated pieces are displayed in a place where light and tranquillity isolate us from the street, almost as if we were alone in a private mansion. Loved by, among others, Yves Saint Laurent, Noailles family, and Serge GainsbourgClaude Lalanne shapes bronze and copper like a goldsmith, for her sculptures, furniture and mirrors. She fuses plants and the animal kingdom together in order to create a surrealist and extremely fine work. Leaves and flowers rub shoulders with birds, monkeys, humans, and crocodiles, since the 60’s until today.

Claude Lalanne” is on view until May 27th, 2018 at Galerie Mitterrand, 79 Rue du Temple, Paris.

Text and photo Eugénie Devos

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