Purple Art

[February 6 2015]

Pierre Bismuth

Pierre Bismuth “Der Kurator, der Anwalt und der Psychoanalytiker” at Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna

“I just don’t like art that tries to take you somewhere else. I have a problem with art that aims at providing entertainment and dreams. People don’t need art to dream. Everyone is dreaming already. Everyone is already creative. The artist doesn’t have the exclusivity of being creative in society.” – Pierre Bismuth

Der Kurator, der Anwalt und der Psychoanalytiker is the title of the first major exhibition to take in the broad oeuvre of French artist Pierre Bismuth. Around sixty works created between 1988 and 2014, as well as a new work that Bismuth has developed specifically for this presentation at Kunsthalle Wien, offers a representative survey of his complex output, which encompasses all manner of media. Der Kurator, der Anwalt und der Psychoanalytiker (The Curator, the Lawyer and the Psychoanalyst) runs until March 22 at Kunsthalle Wien, ViennaPhoto Sophie Thun

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