[November 15 2017]
With the release of their the fall/winter 17 collection, Kenzo launches Season Zero, a collaboration with three young filmmakers: Mati Diop, Baptist Penetticobra and Eduardo Williams, whose work explores their relationship with the Earth. Kenzo involved emerging creatives who are concerned with the future of our planet, who went bicycling through various countries and big cities in Bolivia, France, United States or Argentina to seek their roots and offer to their viewers an alternate dimension.
Olympe by Mati Diop pictures a young man biking at night in Paris while a group of distinguished young people that seem to come from another planet, stroll, smoke and chat. “The reason why I filmed in Paris this summer was to capture the singular atmosphere a heat wave can produce. There is something of the order of annihilation and disorder that interests me. I found the idea of a blazing wind from Sahel penetrating and colonizing the city poetic” said the director.
Tzzd by Eduardo Williams, instead, captures the dreams of an elf asleep in the metro of Buenos Aires. From Buenos Aires to La Paz, Eduardo makes the viewer travel across and sensually experience two continents through the bodies he films, the voices and sounds he registers. “I’m interested in the relation between the sensation of reality and fantasy, the normal and the unfamiliar. I think that everyday places and situations can be shown in a way by which this impression of reality can be questioned.” explained the filmaker.
Finally, Untitled (Juice) by Baptist Penetticobra is filmed in vertical format, set somewhere in a studio in Paris. In the centre of the frame, a black Mona Lisa poeticizes about orange juice. She’s then joined by a young man who imagines himself as the embodiment of an orange juice brand. From something small they start talking about something larger, and at the same time verging on something more and more obscure, theoretical until it becomes almost stupid and random. “I wanted to talk about something trivial — like a cup of orange juice you can get at McDonald’s — and pull the thread as far as I could until it becomes almost abstract.” explained Baptist.