[July 19 2017]
Camille Bidault-Waddington sitting on “D.154.2" designed by Gio Ponti
We are pleased to release the second chapter of #HouseofMolteni, a project made in collaboration with the leading Italian designer furniture company Molteni&C.
This time featuring the French stylist and Purple’s longtime collaborator Camille Bidault-Waddington:
MOLTENI — What does your house represent to you?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — My house is like a nest, it’s something I share with my kids and with all of my books, it’s a kind of refuge from the outside world.
MOLTENI — Who chose the furniture?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — The furniture is a mix of family pieces and new ones, some paintings and seats have been in the family for a really long time. I’ve chosen some pieces, some of them come from flea markets, they’re usually things I found with time, they’re not something I’ve been really looking for, they just happened to be here.
MOLTENI — Any works of art at home?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — There are only a few things I actually have really chosen, like that mirror from my friend Vincent Darre from his first collection, a sort of anatomic bronze mirror. I also have some drawings I bought from Julie Verhoeven, Pierre Le Tan and some small painting by Gary Hume. All the pieces came trought life, honestly I can’t even remember. I feel like they have always been in my house.
MOLTENI — Where do you get your best ideas?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — Usually my best ideas come in the living room in the middle of books, when I look at one image another idea comes up, it’s like a ping-pong in between images and ideas. It’s never in my bath or in my bed, that’s for sure. It just happens.
MOLTENI — Open Space or separate rooms?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — My house is fulled with small rooms, but I have been there for 7-8, so, if I would move, I think I’d change for open space, just to start from scratch again. But I’m pretty sure it will probably look the same, each time I go somewhere it always looks like my house.
MOLTENI — Is your house a shelter or a place for sharing?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — I used to do lots of dinner but now it’s more like a quiet place. I still invite some friends, but it’s not a place where I invite a lot of people. I see so many people during my work that my house has become a protection from the outside world, it’s calm, it’s the place where I’m always myself.
MOLTENI — Design and fashion, similarities and differences.
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — I think design and fashion are quite similar, they both need to look good and to have a function. They create an atmosphere, a mood. Design is probably a bit more technical because is something that has to lasts longer, there’s no “fast design”. With fashion you can be a little more flexible, with the quality for example.
MOLTENI — Bath tub or shower?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — Well I used to be a bath person, but then I realised that I was really bored in my bath, so I became a shower person. I just realised that i was spending so much time in my bath so basically I changed and I became a shower person last year.
MOLTENI — Home cooking or restaurant?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — I love to cook simple things, but I still love going to the restaurants, it depends on the mood. I like to cook for my sons, to share something with them, while I love going to restaurants with friends because you can choose what you want and then leave when you want.
MOLTENI — Where would you like to live?
CAMILLE BIDAULT WADDIGTON — I like to move, I like to change, even if I move only three streets or two doors away. It’s really important for me to move, to have new ideas, new lights, new walls and angles, but at the same time I think that if I had to change I would still choose Paris, I really love this city, it’s a really nice place to stay. But maybe I’d like to be in a more modern place, and not having all those things on the walls, it would be relaxing for my eyes, since I have so much stuff.
Discover more about the #houseofmolteni here!
Photo Olivier Zahm