Purple Television

[April 20 2021] : uncategorized

Purple TV PRESENTS: “Donna Marijuana” UNI’s New Music Video Directed by Charlotte Kemp Muhl

Purple TV PRESENTS: “Donna Marijuana” UNI’s New Music Video Directed by Charlotte Kemp Muhl

Directed, edited and executive produced by Charlotte Kemp Muhl
Starring Jack James, David Strange, Andrew Oakley, Charlotte Kemp Muhl, Dylan Ali, Ashley Jayne, Bailey Leiter, Mileshka Cortes, Elliot Brakebill, Ana Christina and Olive  Tupartie
Make-up by Ahbi Nishman, Suki Tsujimoto, Ashley Jayne and Charlotte Angle
Hair by Addam Miso, Will Shaedler and Scarlin Gonzalez
AD David Levine
DP Alex Gvojic
Styling, props, creative direction by Charlotte Kemp Muhl and Jack James
Choreography by Jack James
Costumes by Kendall Green

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