In thinking about this chaotic world and sensing collapse, I instinctively chose to explore magic for this issue. Without knowing much about it, I began with many questions: could the world of magic be more than entertainment, more than dubious esoteric practices, and more than a realm of coded signs, cryptic symbols, and fantastical imagery? Could magic be not a miraculous solution, but an alternative? Could magic revive beneficial practices that have been forgotten? A world of neglected possibilities? Or, even better, a potential re-enchantment of the world? Or a faint glimmer of hope?
After finishing the issue, to my great surprise, the answer is yes! Magic works! Magic can change the operating system of the universe. It can take control of reality and transform how we perceive life in this chaotic world.
How is this possible, you might ask in response to this novice’s enthusiasm?
First, magic can truly change the way we perceive reality and offer a different paradigm, one that mocks analysis and rational thinking. It liberates us from our addiction to language and logic. It offers a beneficial confusion, a joyous upheaval of perception, and a “non-knowledge” embracing the unknown or the uncertain. Also, magic connects us to the world in an animistic way, reminding us that we are living beings interacting with all other living beings — plants, animals, and the natural world — and Earth’s cycles and vibrations. It reawakens a forgotten pagan sensibility and resonates with contemporary ecofeminist movements, mind expansion, and psychedelic research.
Finally, magic is the power of words, the mystery of art, the Music of the Spheres from the quantum to the cosmological. But, you might argue, magic is nothing but illusion and manipulation. Yes. And that’s the beauty of it.
— Olivier Zahm
[Table of contents]
editor’s letter
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the limits of the world
by Michel Foucault
cover #1 carl g. jung
by Carl G. Jung
carl g. jung
by Carl G. Jung
the harry potter syndrome
by Emanuele Coccia
fashion and superstitions
by Alexandre Samson
cover #2 hanne gaby odiele in couture f/w 2024-25
photography by Pierre-Ange Carlotti
couture f/w 2024-25
photography by Pierre-Ange Carlotti
adéla janská
interview by Bill Powers
heresy of witches
by Jules Michelet
high jewelry
scanography by Katerina Jebb
amulets talismans and pantacles
by Simon Liberati
cover #4 tobias spichtig
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best of the season f/w 2024-25
photography by Ola Rindal
cover #5 isabelle huppert in balenciaga winter 2024-25
photography by Juergen Teller
saskia de brauw in comme des garçons f/w 2024-25
photography by Mark Borthwick
sonic magic
by Björk
federico campagna
interview by Olivier Zahm and Aleph Molinari
tobias spichtig
Read the article
cover #3 saskia de brauw in comme des garçons f/w 2024-25
photography by Mark Borthwick
isabelle huppert in balenciaga winter 2024-25
photography by Juergen Teller
patti smith
interview by Aleph Molinari
mitch horowitz
interview by Bobbi Salvör Menuez
cover #8 issa lish in burberry f/w 2024-25
photography by Letty Schmiterlow
warrior hearts: a centaur’s tale
photography by Steven Klein
daughter of sunset
photography by Neva Wireko
cover #7 alex consani in mcqueen by seán mcgirr f/w 2024-25
photography by Nikolai von Bismarck
alex consani in mcqueen by seán mcgirr f/w 2024-25
photography by Nikolai von Bismarck
on anthroposophy
by Daniel Pinchbeck
love is the trance of worlds without gods
by Tobie Nathan
issa lish in burberry f/w 2024-25
photography by Letty Schmiterlow
the magic wand
by Mark Alizart
wolfgang tillmans
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prada f/w 2024-25
photography by Venetia Scott
interview by Aleph Molinari
dior cruise 25
photography by Olivier Zahm
cover #6 warrior hearts: a centaur’s tale
photography by Steven Klein
fennel faggots and infinite inversion: recipes for divine perception
food by quori theodor
fendi f/w 2024-25
photography by Takashi Homma
yohji yamamoto f/w 2024-25
photography by Ola Rindal
cover #14 sara caballero in chanel cruise 25
photography by Olivier Zahm
cover #9 sasha kovtun in prada f/w 2024-25
photography by Venetia Scott
loewe f/w 2024-25
photography by Robi Rodriguez
cover #13 liv walters in cartier libre
photography by Mélissa de Araujo
cartier libre
photography by Mélissa de Araujo
cover #11 raiki yamamoto in fendi f/w 2024-25
photography by Takashi Homma
ariana papademetropoulos
interview by Olivier Zahm
area archives
photography by Stevie and Mada
chanel cruise 25
photography by Olivier Zahm
cover #17 imre and marne van opstal in dior men f/w 2024-25
photography by Paul Phung
cover #10 orlagh morton in dior cruise 25
photography by Olivier Zahm
david lynch
interview by Aleph Molinari
cover #12 caitlin tamsyn soetendal in loewe f/w 2024-25
photography by Robi Rodriguez
loro piana f/w 2024-25
photography by Reto Schmid
louis vuitton cruise 25
photography by Suffo Moncloa
pino pascali
interview by Olivier Zahm
cover #19 lilliya scarlett reid in alessandra rich
photography by Anna Gaskell
imre and marne van opstal in dior men f/w 2024-25
photography by Paul Phung
cover #20 philippe parreno
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malgosia bela in possession
photography by Vito Fernicola
cover #16 libby bennett in louis vuitton cruise 25
photography by Suffo Moncloa
lilliya scarlett reid
interview by Olivier Zahm
philippe parreno
interview by Olivier Zahm
cover #15 andreea diaconu and karolin wolter in loro piana f/w 2024-25
photography by Reto Schmid
david abram
interview by Anfisa Vrubel
luis piedrahita
interview by Aleph Molinari
cover #18 malgosia bela in givenchy
photography by Vito Fernicola
leonora carrington
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carminho in palm angels f/w 2024-25
photography by Olivier Zahm
cover #21 carminho in palm angels f/w 2024-25
photography by Olivier Zahm
by Michel Foucault
by Carl G. Jung
by Emanuele Coccia
by Alexandre Samson
photography by Pierre-Ange Carlotti
interview by Bill Powers
by Jules Michelet
scanography by Katerina Jebb
by Simon Liberati
interview by Olivier Zahm and Aleph Molinari
photography by Ola Rindal
photography by Mark Borthwick
by Björk
photography by Juergen Teller
interview by Aleph Molinari
interview by Bobbi Salvör Menuez
photography by Steven Klein
photography by Neva Wireko
photography by Nikolai von Bismarck
by Daniel Pinchbeck
photography by Letty Schmiterlow
by Mark Alizart
photography by Venetia Scott
photography by Olivier Zahm
by Tobie Nathan
photography by Takashi Homma
photography by Ola Rindal
interview by Aleph Molinari
photography by Robi Rodriguez
photography by Mélissa de Araujo
food by quori theodor
interview by Olivier Zahm
photography by Olivier Zahm
interview by Olivier Zahm
photography by Stevie and Mada
interview by Aleph Molinari
photography by Reto Schmid
photography by Suffo Moncloa
photography by Paul Phung
photography by Vito Fernicola
interview by Olivier Zahm
interview by Anfisa Vrubel
interview by Olivier Zahm
interview by Aleph Molinari
photography by Olivier Zahm
by Carl G. Jung
photography by Pierre-Ange Carlotti
photography by Mark Borthwick
photography by Juergen Teller
photography by Steven Klein
photography by Nikolai von Bismarck
photography by Letty Schmiterlow
photography by Venetia Scott
photography by Olivier Zahm
photography by Takashi Homma
photography by Robi Rodriguez
photography by Mélissa de Araujo
photography by Olivier Zahm
photography by Reto Schmid
photography by Suffo Moncloa
photography by Paul Phung
photography by Vito Fernicola
photography by Anna Gaskell
photography by Olivier Zahm