[November 18 2010]
Maureen Paley gallery will present a new series of paintings by the artists Muntean & Rosemblum. Inspired by classical iconography, they applied to a present day a choose of color, gesture and graphic elements anchored in the pictorial Christian tradition. Transposing it with the codes derivated from fashion publication, Muntean & Rosemblum works on a mise en scène of adolescents with an ostensible pessimism. But if they focuses on youthfullness and in the same time on supposed antogonism attitude it is more in order to bring to the fore the contemporary trouble of western society, devorated by loneliness, boredom and lassitude. Muntean & Rosemblum depict youth culture as a formula of pathos, a potentiality of beauty, energy and curiosity in the grip of decrepitude. The maxim or aphorism which completes all the works are so many signs which confirm with fatality this existencial spleen. Muntean & Rosemblum runs January 9 at Maureen Paley, 21 Herald Street, London. Text Pierre-Alexandre Mateos