Purple Diary

[July 24 2012]

"Rebel" Damon McCarthy and Paul McCarthy and "Rebel Without a Cause Drawings, 2011", Paul McCarthy. (c) Rebel. OHWOW/MOCA, 2012

James Franco’s “Rebel” at MOCA catalogue published by OHWOW, Los Angeles

Rebel is a book published to coincide with the exhibition Rebel by The Museum of Contemporary Arts, Los Angeles(MOCA) which ran from May 15th to June 23rd at JF Chen, Los Angeles. The book captures and documents James Franco‘s original vision for this interrogative ode to Nicholas Ray‘s masterpiece Rebel Without A Cause

With contributions from Douglas Gordon, Harmony Korine, Damon McCarthy, Paul McCarthy, Terry Richardson, Ed Ruscha, and Aaron Youngthe book can be purchased at OHWOW and the MOCA Store.


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