[May 24 2021]
Purple is pleased to present “Crossing Currents,” a screening program that brings together an international group of artists and filmmakers. Their work centers around the relationship between the built and natural environment, the traffic between city and countryside, and the embattled ideological currents circulating through this multi-form flow. Films will be screened by Basma Alsharif, Cécile B. Evans, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Garush Melkonyan, Laura Huertas Millán, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Fernando Ocaña, Karrabing Film Collective, Luiz Roque, Himali Singh Soin, WangShui, Kandis Williams, Tania Ximena, and Yang Fudong.
On view, May 21st and May 22nd
Photos by Samantha Ozer
© Purple Institute